

#Crossbell #Web3 #Metaverse #Defi #GameFi #Galxe #Port3 #Web2


Have you heard of something called Web 3.0? This is a trend that has started to be talked about again in the technology world, especially in recent years. I say “again” because I first heard it in 2010. At that time, we felt the transition to "Web 2.0" in our bones and therefore we were saying, "Let's prepare for Web 3.0 now". But we never saw that radical change. Just as he was beginning to think that "there will probably be no such thing as a Web 3.0 revolution, the internet will go through a slow evolutionary process", a technology that has brought the world of finance into a paradigm shift has brought this issue back to the agenda. Can the blockchain, on which cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Etherium rely, completely change the internet? Can it skip Web 2.0 and do Web 3.0?
I don't know if such a transition will be possible in the near future or if we will still be talking about Web 3.0 after 5 years. But I am even excited about the possibility that some of the principles brought by the blockchain can be adapted to the internet. With the effect of this exciting wind of change, we started to observe the ways of Web 3.0 on the horizon. We were ready to surf the waves he would create.
Being able to connect to each other without the need for intermediary platforms. Peer to Peer, Superpeer to establish a decentralized internet with peer-to-peer communication.


1) No Central Control:#

Agents are removed from the equation. Blockchains, for example Ethereum, provide a secure platform where rules cannot be broken and data is fully encrypted. Alphabet and Apple will no longer be able to control user data. No state or organization will be able to eliminate sites and services, and no person will be able to control the identities of others.

2) Ownership of Information:#

All control of the data will again be with the end user and they will achieve encryption security.
Data can then be shared state-to-state and on-demand. Big companies like Amazon and Facebook have server hubs that store information about dietary preferences, income, interests, credit card information, and more. Every year they pour billions of dollars into the development of their centers just for this data, and also to marketers and advertisers.

3) Interoperability of Devices:**#

Apps can be easily customized and run independently of the device, on smartphones, TVs, cars, smart sensors.
Today, apps are designed specifically for the operating system and are often limited to a single operating system. For example, digital currency wallets, most of which work on Android, are not available on iOS, and many users are fed up with this situation. Also, dealing with extra app updates and hassles puts a strain on developers.

4) Permission Required Blockchains:#

Anyone can create an address and join the blockchain network. The power of unauthorized access to blockchains should not be underestimated. Users will not be blocked due to their location, income, gender or similar sociological and demographic factors. Wealth and other digital assets can be sent anywhere in the world quickly and effectively.

5) Uninterrupted Service:#

Account suspensions and disruptions to distributed services will decrease dramatically because there is little chance of service interruption as there is not only one service. Since the data will be backed up in a distributed manner, system failure and system hijacking will be prevented.

So How Will It Work?#

As every emerging technology becomes more and more simple, people will only need one middleman to access the decentralized internet. This tool will be useful for our interaction with applications and other services based on the principle of decentralization.
• Instead of Google Drive or Dropbox, there will be services like Storj, Siacoin, Filecoin or IPFS technology to distribute and store files.
• There will be platforms like instead of Skype.
• Status instead of WhatsApp and Wechat.
• Instead of operating systems such as iOS and Android, systems such as and EOS will shape the new network.
• An ecosystem will emerge where Akasha or Steemit will take on the role of Facebook, where Brave, Chrome and Ethlance will do the work of Upwork.
These are just a few examples. As Web 3.0 enters the game, new platforms will emerge in fair competition without being caught by monopolized service providers.

The best decentralized apps (dApps) and decentralized services we'll be using three years from now are actually a glimmer in the eyes of developers.

Web 2.0 did not abruptly eliminate Web 1.0, and the transition to Web 3.0 will take time and will need to be integrated into the online system in use. The arrow is now out of the bow and there is no turning back for the Web 3.0 Revolution.
